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Why Your Salon NEEDS A Blog & How To Get Started!

Writer's picture: Sarah PerrinSarah Perrin

If your salon isn’t posting blogs on a regular basis, you may want to consider doing so! In this blog, we’re going to give you the low down on why blogs are so beneficial for building your salon business online, as well as a basic formula to get started writing your own!

If you can believe it, blogging has been happening since 1999, and they’ve continued to pick up steam in the past few years. They can be an incredibly useful and easy way to get valuable information to your existing clients and online audience. Blogs are amazing for educating the reader on information heavy topics when typically, you are limited to bite sized chunks of info on social media. They end up being incredible resources to be able to send your guests to when they are wanting to learn more about a particular subject.

Having a blog is not only great for educating your audience, but it also helps to build your brands reputation and authority. As salon professionals, it is not only your job to provide a service, but to be the go to for all things beauty for your clients. A well written, informative blog, will impress existing and potential clients by letting them know you know EXACTLY what you’re talking about! A well executed blog post could be what sets your salon apart and determines whether a guest comes to you or not because a certain level of trust is built before they even step foot in your business.

Of course we love the fact that blogs are super informative, educational and help build your online reputation, but let’s talk SEO. SEO or Search Engine Optimization is the process of utilizing specific words or phrases that will optimize the probability of your salon coming up near the top of search engine results. For example, if you have blog posts on your website that mention specific services that you offer, you can strategically include keywords and phrases so when a potential client searches that service in your area, the likelihood of your salon popping up near the top of the search engine results increases greatly.

If SEO confuses and overwhelms you, there’s an S.O.S solution for that! Check it out here!

Now that you know WHY your salon needs to start a blog, we’re going to let you know HOW to do it! We’ve broken it down into a super simple formula so all you need to do is plug in your own info, get to writing, and hit publish!

  1. Choose a subject that fits your audience needs. As salon professionals, this is the easiest part because we are constantly being asked questions from our clients. Take note of these questions and build a blog around it! From styling suggestions, service maintenance, product recommendations and beyond, there are countless different salon blog topics to focus on!

  2. Start your blog by explaining WHY you’re sharing this specific topic and why you believe it is so important.

  3. Write the body of your blog while keeping these things in mind:

  • Show your personality! You’re in the beauty biz and your audience will connect with you so much more if they get a sense of who you are through your written words. Don’t take yourself too seriously!

  • Remember SEO. Make a list of keywords and phrases that will help with SEO and include them throughout your blog post.

  • Link to other resources on your website. The longer the reader is on your site, the better! Take this opportunity to link to mentioned products in your online store or include hyperlinks to other relayed blog posts you’ve already posted.

4. Conclude your blog with a CTA (call to action). You can do this in many ways including challenging your reader to do something or encouraging them to take the next step- whatever that is that pertains to your blog post!

5. Wrap your blog ending up with a pretty bow by including all of the ways the reader can contact you (phone number, online booking, social media accounts, etc) and finish with a signature sign off.


Choosing a title for your blog is arguably one of the most important parts of blog writing! If your title doesn’t grab the attention of your audience, they’ll likely keep scrolling past. You want to make sure that the title of your blog demands to be clicked on, and this can be done in many different ways. We’re going to give you a few salon industry related title ideas to provide some inspo when titling your next blog post.

Everything You Need To Know About ______!

Do You Want ______ Hair? Here’s How To Get It!

# Guaranteed Ways To Achieve ___________

The Top # Ways To Solve These Common Hair Problems.

How To Create _______ At Home!

Now that you’ve got the tools to write an amazing blog, all you need to do is let people know where to find it! Post it on your website and then advertise on social media and/or via email marketing! For more info on email marketing for your salon/spa, click here!

We hope this blog has inspired you to start up one of your own! We challenge you to do some digging of your own to read up on even more reasons why including blogging in your digital marketing regiment is incredibly beneficial and a worth while move.

Whether you start up writing a blog for your salon or spa on your own using the tips found in this post, or you have an existing blog up and running, we want to hear about it! Tag us in your blog announcement posts on social media @salon.s.o.s !

Follow along on social media for a daily dose of digital marketing created specifically for salon and spa owners.

‘Til next time,

Your Team At Salon S.O.S

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